Monday, 30 March 2009

Scenery Chewer #7 - The Weather Underground

Scenery Chewer presents

The Weather Underground
Vibe Bar, Old Truman Brewery 91 - 95 Brick Lane, London, E1 6QL

Doors open 7pm, Thursday 23rd April 2009

We at Scenery Chewer cordially invite you to join us in The Weather Underground.

Abandon the inclement climate of the city streets and escape up to where the air is infused with the fresh artistic talents of London’s little known but promising musicians and photographers. This art performance is all in the name of the fantastic charity Youth Music, set up in 1999 to promote and support music-making opportunities for underprivileged children with the least access across the UK.

The night will be an original mixture of photography art alongside performances from live bands and DJs, which will all be exhibited in the cosy confines upstairs at Vibe Bar, Brick Lane.

Featured photography works will include:

Luke Kemp
Nick Boyd
Jessika Green
Luke Bryant
Murielle Gandre
Jonathan Weston
Tom Chudley
Anne Duffau and more

Live bands who will be performing on stage will include some of Scenery Chewer’s firm favourites:

Laura Whitticase (
The Soft Close-Ups (
Victoria and Jacob (
The Brain Children (

From the beginning, Scenery Chewer has endeavoured to be a non-profit making ‘Arts Appreciation Collective’; organising artistically exciting charity events to raise funds for worthy causes in a more transparent way. Another major objective of Scenery Chewer’s operation is to offer the opportunity for London’s talented but little known artists to exhibit their work.

“People, no matter how successful they are in their chosen art, all deserve an audience, and that is what I want this event to achieve. An audience allows an artist to gain feedback, to try things out, to experiment, and to grow,” says Tiru Thiruvilangam, creator of Scenery Chewer. “By putting on these Scenery Chewer events, I want people to realise that the London art and music scenes do not have to be insular and money-obsessed. They can be open, inclusive, embracing. I want my work to help create a scene of like-minded people who all attest to this vision.”

So, please, do join us for an evening of stirring, creative like-mindedness!

There will be a £5 entry fee. All proceeds will go to Youth Music.

Youth Music –
Scenery Chewer –
Vibe Bar –

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